Monday 9 July 2012

My sketches from the eyes of the Instagram

#1 Self portrait with double exposure in art class
Medium: Pencil 

#2 Cloth in a bowl still life drawing in art class

#3 Random vase pen sketch

#4 A page of my sermon book

#5 This was drawn during my mid years math examination. Since young, math has never been my forte. The drawing above tells a story. On the right side of the sun is buildings that we upright and strong (before i opened the math paper, i went into the examination hall feeling i could overcome this). On the left side of the sun is buildings collapsed (knowing i can't do this anymore, i gave up)
I draw when ever i feel down. It's as if it's my ticket to escape reality.

#6 Drawing in art class

#7 Children in poverty (I)

#8 Children in poverty (II)

#9 Art mid years paper 1 final work. Topic: Urban Dreams

#10 Helped my friend to design her personal project CD cover entitled, Sheer.

#11 Experimenting charcoal with paint brush

#12 Sketches of my personal project dresses
#13 Random pen sketch during service of my friends seating in front of me, Shermaine and Sara

#14 Random 20 minutes sketch of my wardrobe

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