Thursday 14 June 2012


After flipping through the book "Atlas of Fashion Designers", every designer were interviewed and asked the same question, "What inspires you".
These are a few examples:

"Inspiration usually doesn't stray too far from home. It's my friends, the streets and music. I try not to push too hard to find inspiration because it is usually right under my nose" 
- Alexander Wang

"I find everything inspires me, mainly music, people and photography. I don't think it's hard to get inspired!"
- Kim Jones

"All kinds of art form, volume, playing with proportion and ambiguity. i am searching for an emotional response to a garment, an overall impression to like or dislike through a detail invisible to a novice eye and which distinguishes one piece form another. Colours and fabric inspires me, as well, as hey have that amazing power to reinforce and magnify to go with an idea or to tone it down"
- Katarzyna Szczotarska 

That really got me thinking what actually inspires me. Hence, i went to do a mind map in my recently bought sketch book.

I guess what really inspires me is my everyday life. Just like every other mainstream designers answers, i would say indie music, art forms and my past struggles would inspire me too. However sadness, pain, any negative emotions are the best time that allows me to create good piece of art. It feels like i have a place to escape reality into a place where i can control things. Example my brush strokes, the tonal value, where i wanna move my pen. Hence i want to deviate to a different direction. I want to narrow my thoughts.

Recently, i was taught the human body during Biology lesson and instantly i found anatomy interesting.   Thinking of more ideas and i thought about chemistry. And i remembered Ms Selena (my chemistry teacher) lessons. The vivid ones were about chemical bonding, about diffusing both elements together. I decided to go with my first idea. I want to relate my apparel to some characteristic of the human body. I haven't figure out what am i exactly going to do but i will figure out on my way there.

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